QGIS on GeoCloud

QGIS & GRASS & SAGAv3.34.14 & 3.40.2
  • View data: View and overlay vector and raster data in different formats and projections
  • Explore data and compose maps: Compose maps and interactively explore spatial data with a friendly GUI
  • Create, edit, manage and export data
  • Analyze data: Perform spatial data analysis on spatial databases and other OGR- supported formats
  • Publish maps on the internet: QGIS can be used as a WMS, WMTS, WMS-C or WFS and WFS-T client, and as a WMS, WCS or WFS server
  • Extend QGIS functionality through plugins: QGIS can be adapted to special needs with the extensible plugin architecture and libraries that can be used to create plugins
  • Python Console: QGIS offers a growing number of external Python plugins that are provided by the community
  • Annotation tools: Text Annotation tool provides the possibility to place formatted text in a balloon on the QGIS map canvas
8vCPU@2.5GHz, 32GB RAM
Open Source Desktop GIS
  • View data: View and overlay vector and raster data in different formats and projections
  • Explore data and compose maps: Compose maps and interactively explore spatial data with a friendly GUI
  • Create, edit, manage and export data
  • Analyze data: Perform spatial data analysis on spatial databases and other OGR- supported formats
  • Publish maps on the internet: QGIS can be used as a WMS, WMTS, WMS-C or WFS and WFS-T client, and as a WMS, WCS or WFS server
  • Extend QGIS functionality through plugins: QGIS can be adapted to special needs with the extensible plugin architecture and libraries that can be used to create plugins
  • Python Console: QGIS offers a growing number of external Python plugins that are provided by the community
  • Annotation tools: Text Annotation tool provides the possibility to place formatted text in a balloon on the QGIS map canvas